Pair of Antique Corner-Shaped Chairs Beech Straw XX Century - Italy, Early XX Century
Italy, Early XX Century
Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000
Origin: Italy
Main essence: Beech
Material: Straw
Pair of corner chairs in turned beech, Italy, early 20th century. The turning in some sections takes the form of a succession of globular elements. Stuffed seats.
Product Condition:
Product which due to age and wear requires restoration and re-polishing. We try to present the real state of the furniture as completely as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is stated in the description applies.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 72,5
Width: 43
Depth: 41,5
Maximum size (cm):
Height: 81
Depth: 42
Seat height: 48
Additional Information
Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000
20th Century / 1901 - 2000Main essence: Beech
It is a semi-hard wood which, unfortunately, is easily wormed, therefore it is considered poor. Due to its light but variegated shades, from blond to reddish, it was nevertheless appreciated by French cabinetmakers. It was mainly used for furniture structures or, as an alternative to walnut, by provincial English furniture makers for popular works, mostly in the 1700s. The noblest use is due to Thonèt, who applied the steam bending of the beech in the making of the furniture, in particular for the chairs that took his name.Material: Straw
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Breve storia della sedia, dall'Antico Egitto alla produzione in serie
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Breve storia della sedia, dall'Antico Egitto alla produzione in serieCoppia di sgabelli, Roma XVII secolo
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Classic Monday: da un pezzo dei nostri magazzini alla storia dell'antiquariato
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