Industrial Workbench Early 1900s

Industrial workbench early 1900s

Code: ANTATA0265666

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Industrial Workbench Early 1900s

Industrial workbench early 1900s

Code: ANTATA0265666

3,800.00 € *
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Industrial Workbench Early 1900s - Industrial workbench early 1900s


Industrial workbench early 1900s

Age:  20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Origin:  Italy

Main essence:  Chestnut


Workbench made of chestnut wood in the early decades of the 20th century, trestle structure held with wooden nails with crosspieces at the feet and in the center of the legs; the top is made up of two mirrored boards. The table has been restored with a conservative choice, leaving the black traces of tannin that emerged in spots where liquid was probably poured and filling the lack of wood in the part where it was heavily worn with transparent resin. The table has been finished with natural varnishes.

Product Condition:
Furniture in fair condition showing some signs of wear. We try to present the real condition of the furniture as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 78
Width: 209
Depth: 89

Additional Information

Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Main essence: Chestnut

It is a hard, yellow-white wood, mostly used for rustic furniture. Since the Middle Ages it has been used in Europe, mainly in Spain, France and Italy. Particularly resistant, it was sometimes used to manufacture the supporting structures of fine furniture. It tends to darken over time and has good resistance to woodworms.

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Product availability

The product can be seen at Cambiago

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Ready for delivery within 2 working days from ordering the product.

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