Medaglia d'onore decretata dal pubblico di Parma al celebre tipografo Gio: Battista Bodoni cittadino parmigiano
Author: Giacomo Tommasini
Publisher: [Bodoni]
Place of printing: Chrysopolis (Parma)
Year of publication: 1806
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Mute binding in poor condition: cardboard boards sprayed with dust spots and serious losses on the edges and upper corners; spine completely covered with red adhesive tape with black traces. To be noted on the back board, in addition to the loss on the upper external corner, serious holes on the lateral margin near the spine (of these holes remain some impressed signs and some in relief on the last leaves). Binding partially detached. Frayed edges with traces of dust; foxing on the head cuts. Leaves in excellent condition with wide margins. Text in Italian.
Pages: (6),LXXXIV
Format: In fourth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 30
Width: 23
An unmistakable production of the Bodoni typography, the volume gives an account of the awarding of the gold medal of honor by the city of Parma to Giovan Battista Bodoni with a ceremony that took place on February 24, 1806. The text opens with the “Report of the reasons that determined the public of Parma to decree the Bodoni medal and the way in which the decree was executed”, written by Giacomo Tommasini, professor of physiology and pathology at the University of Parma: after a brief history of the typographic art of Parma, a laudatory text dedicated to Bodoni’s work introduces the story of the decision to award him the medal of honor and a description of the related ceremony. The “Acts of the Parma Elderly relating to the minting of the Bodoni Medal and its presentation” follow. Beyond its content, the value of the work lies in its elegant typographical appearance, in which the engraving of the medal with the portrait of Bodoni by Luigi Manfredini stands out on the frontispiece. Without indicating a publisher, the volume was printed by Bodoni himself in Crisopoli, the ancient Byzantine name for the city of Parma
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