Neoclassical Game Table

Italy Last Quarter XVIII Century

Code: ANTATV0267491

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Neoclassical Game Table

Italy Last Quarter XVIII Century

Code: ANTATV0267491

7,800.00 € *
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Neoclassical Game Table - Italy Last Quarter XVIII Century


Italy Last Quarter XVIII Century

Age:  18th Century / 1701 - 1800

Origin:  Lombardia, Italy

Main essence:  Silver Fir Brazilian Rosewood Boxwood Walnut


Small table attributable to the workshop of Giuseppe Colombo known as Mortarino. Four elegantly turned and tapered walnut legs support a high band with a drawer, subtended by small brackets with an inlaid rosette; the entire surface is veneered in walnut and enriched with rosewood fillets with boxwood inlays, on the quadripartite walnut top is an inlaid rosette with a panoply of musical instruments and score. A secret spring behind the drawer unlocks the catch that allows the top to rotate and open; in the center of the double top is another inlaid rosette with a military panoply. Interior in fir, the piece of furniture bears an old label from the antique dealer "AGG Subert". The color of the wood, the type of fillets and the elegantly crafted panoplies with burin embroidery present close assonances with the two chests of drawers of Palazzo d'Arcò and with the flap with the arms of the Barbiano di Belgioioso.

Product Condition:
Furniture in very good condition that may show slight traces of wear; may have undergone restoration work carried out by an expert. We try to present the real condition of the furniture as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 80
Width: 71
Depth: 47

Maximum size (cm):
Depth: 94

Additional Information

Notes historical bibliographic

- Enrico Sala, G. Beretti, A. Wegher, V. Simone, Maggiolini & co. the success of neoclassical inlay in Napoleonic Milan. ed. 2020 Anticonline by Di Mano in Mano

Age: 18th Century / 1701 - 1800

18th Century / 1701 - 1800

Main essence:

Silver Fir

Soft coniferous wood, used for rustic furniture or to build the chest, that is the structure, of furniture then veneered in more precious woods. It has been used since ancient times, its most valuable use is, in the Spruce variant, in the inlays of French antique furniture of the '700 . The spruce, more typical of northern Europe, in Italy grows mainly in the Eastern Alps at altitudes above 1300 m. The noblest use of this essence was in the construction of violins, guitars and cellos: Stradivari himself produced his famous violins with this wood.

Brazilian Rosewood

It is a hard, light blond wood, but with strong red and pinkish veins, which is obtained from tropical trees similar to rosewood. Its veins are reminiscent of striped tulips, which is why it is called tulipwood in English-speaking areas. It is used for inlays, often combined with bois de violette. In the 1700s and 1800s it was highly appreciated and used in France and England for precious veneers. It gives off scent for decades if not centuries after curing.


With a yellowish color, it is a very compact and hard wood, of oriental origin, which is obtained from evergreen shrubs of the Buxaceae family. It is used for inlays and for all-round workings both as furniture finishes and as small objects and sculptures.


Walnut wood comes from the plant whose botanical name is juglans regia , probably originally from the East but very common in Europe. Light or dark brown in color, it is a hard wood with a beautiful grain, widely used in antique furniture. It was the main essence in Italy throughout the Renaissance and later had a good diffusion in Europe, especially in England, until the advent of mahogany. It was used for solid wood furniture and sometimes carvings and inlays, its only big limitation is that it suffers a lot from woodworm. In France it was widely used more than anything else in the provinces. In the second half of the eighteenth century its use decreased significantly because mahogany and other exotic woods were preferred.

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