Painting Attributed to Antonio Basoli

Interior of Greek Temple

Code: ARAROT0270809

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Painting Attributed to Antonio Basoli

Interior of Greek Temple

Code: ARAROT0270809

1,600.00 € *
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Painting Attributed to Antonio Basoli - Interior of Greek Temple


Interior of Greek Temple

Artist:  Antonio Basoli (1776-1848) Attributed to 

Artwork title:  Interno di tempio greco

Age:  19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Subject:  Scene with Figures

Artistic technique:  Drawing

Technical specification:  Mixed Technique

Description : Interno di tempio greco

Watercolor, ink and pencil on paper. Applied to cardboard, on which at the bottom appears the owner's pencil writing "Interior of a Greek temple of the goddess Diana in Ephesus set on fire by Herostratus. Original by Professor Antonio Basoli". Also present, at the bottom right, is the stamp "Professor Antonio Basoli". Given his long career as a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, it can be assumed that one of his students became the owner of this drawing by Basoli, probably a scenographic sketch. Basoli established himself as a scenographer and decorator. Thanks to his creativity, he was able to integrate the Bolognese scenographic traditions with new trends, such as the neoclassical style and romantic vedutism. His scenographic production, documented in the collection of librettos of the Biblioteca Marucelliana in Florence from 1808 to 1820, was very vast, as demonstrated by his numerous sketches preserved mostly in Bologna, Milan and Florence. The drawing is presented in a style frame.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, shows small signs of wear. We try to present the real condition as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 46
Width: 61,5
Depth: 3

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 39,5
Width: 54,5

Additional Information

Artist: Antonio Basoli (1776-1848)

Set designer, decorator and painter, born in Castel Guelfo (BO) in 1774, after an initial activity at his father's workshop, in 1786 Antonio Basoli began his studies at the Accademia Clementina, which he finished in 1794. Together with Pelagio Palagi he was often invited to the Aldrovandi house, whose landlord allowed them access to the vast family library and with whom he formed a lasting friendship. Subsequently Basoli received increasingly prestigious assignments within the artistic institution, even after the transition from the Accademia Clementina to the National Academy of Fine Arts, which took place in 1804. In 1801 he was called to Trieste for the decoration of three rooms in the Muratori house. Returning to Bologna the following year he left again for Friuli where, quoting Basoli himself, "I was commissioned to go to Spilimbergo del Friuli to paint a palace". In 1803 he began his career as a professor of ornamental design at the Academy of Bologna, an activity that ended only with his death. Many of the Bolognese painters and decorators of the 19th century emerged from his courses, thus influencing the national aesthetic culture. Also in 1803 we owe the execution of the Orsi tomb in the cemetery of the Certosa of Bologna. Two years later Basoli saw his dream of visiting Rome come true: from the Capitoline city he returned with an enormous quantity of drawings, ideas and books useful for his entire artistic life. Inside the Academy, the exhibition of his works is reported during the course of several customary annual awards. But even outside the Bologna Academy he undertook his own independent path, establishing himself from the beginning as one of the most highly rated decorators of rooms in the residences of the Bolognese aristocracy. At the same time he continued a vast activity as a theatrical ornamentalist, with commissions for the main theaters of Bologna, Romagna and Marche. In 1818 he stayed in Milan. After this date he never left Bologna: an artist very attached to his territory, he chose to rarely leave it, even refusing extremely prestigious opportunities, such as the one requested at the court of the Tsars in St. Petersburg. His roots were however overcome with a vast dissemination of his works through engravings, the execution of which was often entrusted to his brothers (Luigi and Francesco) and his students. His prints had an international success and to this day are among the most sought-after graphic works of the Italian 19th century. Basoli died in Bologna in 1848.

Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900

19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Subject: Scene with Figures

Artistic technique: Drawing

Il disegno è il processo di tracciare segni su una superficie tramite l'applicazione di una pressione o il trascinamento di un apposito strumento sulla superficie. Gli strumenti sono: matite in grafite o colorate, penna, pennelli fini con inchiostro, pastelli a cera o carboncini; i supporti tradizionali più frequenti sono carta, cartoncino, tavola, muro, tela, rame, vetro.

Technical specification: Mixed Technique

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