Antique Mirror Louis Philippe Fir Carvings Italy XIX Century

Restoration Mirror

Code: ANCOSP0264902

not available
Antique Mirror Louis Philippe Fir Carvings Italy XIX Century

Restoration Mirror

Code: ANCOSP0264902

not available

Antique Mirror Louis Philippe Fir Carvings Italy XIX Century - Restoration Mirror


Restoration Mirror

Style:  Louis Philippe (1830-1848)

Age:  19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Origin:  France

Main essence:  Silver Fir


Louis Philippe mirror, composed of a typical Empire period frame with applied pastiglia carvings with scrolls and curls of later taste, gilded with gouache.

Product Condition:
Furniture in decent condition showing some signs of wear. We try to present the real condition of the furniture as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 82
Width: 100
Depth: 7

Additional Information

Style: Louis Philippe (1830-1848)

The Louis Philippe style developed in a context characterized by two main factors: the expansion of the bourgeoisie and the advent of the industrialization of production processes.

This style therefore faces the decline of artisans and the new needs for economy and comfort.

Aesthetically, it takes elements from the past, especially from the Gothic and Renaissance, preferring very curved shapes for the backrests of the seats, roe deer legs and feet, with a very rich decoration.

It mainly uses dark woods: ebony, rosewood and mahogany, combined for contrast with light elements.

Find out more with our insights:

The Louis Philippe style
Classic Monday: Louis Philippe and Umbertina consoles compared
The Austrian taste of Baroque
History of Louis Philippe furniture
The Umbertino style
Antiques in Lombardy
The Evolution of the Empire Style

Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900

19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Main essence: Silver Fir

Soft coniferous wood, used for rustic furniture or to build the chest, that is the structure, of furniture then veneered in more precious woods. It has been used since ancient times, its most valuable use is, in the Spruce variant, in the inlays of French antique furniture of the '700 . The spruce, more typical of northern Europe, in Italy grows mainly in the Eastern Alps at altitudes above 1300 m. The noblest use of this essence was in the construction of violins, guitars and cellos: Stradivari himself produced his famous violins with this wood.

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