Rassegna di giurisprudenza sul codice di procedura civile. Seconda appendice di aggiornamento (3 tomi) - Tomo I: Libro I (art. 1-162). Tomo II: Libro II (art. 163-473). Tomo III: Libri III-IV (art. 474-831)
Tomo I: Libro I (art. 1-162). Tomo II: Libro II (art. 163-473). Tomo III: Libri III-IV (art. 474-831)
Author: Mario Stella Richter
Publisher: Dott. A. Giuffrè editore
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1978
Product Condition:
Specimens in good condition. Slight yellowing of pages and cuts. Slight stains and slight discoloration to the covers.
Pages: 2787
Format: Hardcover
Review of case law on the code of civil procedure, the work conducted by Mario Star Richter.
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