Repertorio generale annuale della giurisprudenza italiana con notizie bibliografiche e di legislazione. Anno 1954
Author: AA.VV.
Publisher: Unione Tipografico - Editrice Torinese
Place of printing: Turin
Year of publication: 1955
Product Condition:
Original in good condition. Half leather binding with corners, titles in gold on the back, small signs of wear headphones. Yellowing of the pages, brunimento cuts. Dust the cuts and on the cover, slight discolorations on the cover and the spine. Pleats and undulations on several pages. Loose fastening. Written in pencil on the rear guard. Ink marks and spots on certain pages
Pages: 1730
Format: Hardback
By Dante Ugo. Appendix to volume CVI of Italian case law. January 1-December 31, 1954 year LVI.
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