Saying "books" evokes a sea of things: the simple pleasure of reading, in-depth courses of exciting studies, images of beauty, ancient and recent, words and emotions that put us in contact with other human beings, from the past or to us contemporaries, of experiences, tools to make known the good and the bad of the world around us, even a taste for the book in its "corporeality". Our library is full of all this. Ours are books, moreover, lived: they do not come out intact from publishing houses, but have already passed through other hands, have already been read, tasted, preserved, have their own history, and we believe this adds value to them. Often they are survivors: many re-emerge from old cellars or dusty attics, sometimes authentic rarities, of those that provoke unspeakable emotions in passionate bibliophiles.

Ours is not so much a bookshop where you come to look for that book (even if you often manage to find it), as a place you frequent to be amazed by an unexpected discovery, for the sake of finding or rediscovering unlikely titles. , to let oneself be guided in one's own reading paths by small treasures re-emerged from the past.

And since we believe that culture is a right for everyone, we choose to sell our books at popular prices, affordable for everyone. Today, buying books in the normal bookstore circuits for too many has become a luxury to be renounced. We try to make sure that anyone can really afford this "superfluous" which is not superfluous: putting ideas, feelings, emotions and beauty back into circulation is one of the objectives that are most important to us.

With this awareness, we approach each time a new used book, ancient and unobtainable or modern, which arrives at our markets.

This awareness gives rise to a comparison, research and collaboration between us and with experts in the sector in order to offer our customers not only the object itself but that something more that only those who practice a job with passion can offer.

If it is true that "he who works with his hands is a worker, he who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman, he who works with his hands his head and heart is an artist" we, with good reason, can consider ourselves the artists of the Essays of Literature and Philology !

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