Lettres à Rodin - Préface de George Grappe, Conservateud du Musée Rodin
Préface de George Grappe, Conservateud du Musée Rodin
Author: Rainer Maria Rilke
Publisher: Editions Lapina
Place of printing: Paris
Year of publication: 1928
Necklace: Collection Les Images du Temps
Product Condition:
Paperback publishing with slipcase hardback: spine faded, slipcase worn at the edges, top part detached. Copy untouched. Ligation of the quinterni slightly loose. The cards are well preserved. In the folder attached is missing a tissue protective to the incisions.
Pages: (4), 167, (5)
Format: In the eighth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 23
Width: 16
Elegant edition, illustrated by portraits of Rodin and Rilke (the latter from an original drawing by G. Schneeli), engraved etching by A. Delzers, 5 engravings in the know from the drawings of Rodin. and two reproductions in facsimile of the letters of the two correspondents. The text is framed by elegant friezes. From the Colophon: Cet'ouvrage, constituant l édition original des "Lettres à Rodin" de R. M. Rilke, avec préface de Georges Grappe, Conservateur du Musée Rodin, est le septième de la collection "Les Images du Temps". Edition limited edition of 1162 specimens. The our, which bears the number 51 is "cinquante upon sur Japon Imperial réimposés, contenant deux états des pointes sèches is recommended des portraits, une épreuve des cuivres barrés et une suite des sépias, numérotés 21 à 70
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