Giornata Villereccia. Poemetto in tre canti di Clemente Bondi
Author: Clemente Bondi
Publisher: Co' Tipi Bodoniani
Place of printing: Parma
Year of publication: 1794
Product Condition:
Cardboard binding with calligraphic titles on paper patch applied to the front plate; dust spots, peeling on the plates and pressure marks at the edges and corners; cut and woodworm hole at the hinge of the front plate. Cuts yellowed and with traces of dust; closed head cuts. Well preserved papers with rare blooms; blooms on the counterplates and on the guard sheets. Text in Italian language.
Pages: (1), IX, (3), 62, (2)
Format: In sixteenth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 17
Width: 11
Delicious edition of the poem in eighth Giornata Villereccia by the Jesuit poet Clemente Bondi, published in the first edition in 1773 and which at the time had great success. The whole value of the volume lies in the elegance of the characters and the printing, an unmistakable sign of the presses of the ducal typography of Giambattista Bodoni.
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