Architecture contemporaine. Les theatres de la Place du Chatelet. Theatre du Chatelet. Theatre Lyrique - Constuits d'apres les dessins et sous la direction de M. Gabriel Davioud, architecte. Publies sous le patronage et avec le concours de la ville de Paris.
Constuits d'apres les dessins et sous la direction de M. Gabriel Davioud, architecte. Publies sous le patronage et avec le concours de la ville de Paris.
Author: Cesar Daly, Gabriel Davioud
Publisher: Ducher et C.
Place of printing: Paris
Year of publication: [1865]
Product Condition:
Folded and unbound bifoli followed by 64 plates in good condition, partly browned, with foxing of varying extent and density, irregular edges; some of the plates are folded, protected inside by browned tissue sheets. The whole is contained in a semi-imitation leather editorial folder with corners with gilded titles on the front cover in fair condition: dust spots, scratches and abrasions spread on the edges, corners and covers, worn and broken closing laces; streaked spine with creased headphones. Text in French. Texte en Français.
Pages: (4),42,(2)
Format: In folio
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 45
Width: 32
We are in the Paris of the great urban project of Haussman. The work is part of the Bibliothèque de l'Architecte, directed by Cesar Daly, one of the major theorists of the architectural renewal of the Second Empire. The folder in 64 tables gives an account of the construction between 1860 and 1862 of the two new theaters of the Place de Chatelet designed by Gabriel Davioud, involved by Haussman in the design of some important buildings and the urban furnishings of the new Paris (the banks of the Seine, public lighting, fountains, etc.)
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