Modern Painting Signed Luigi Brignoli Oil on Canvas 1935

The Birth of Venus, 1935

Code: ARARNO0272405

Price upon request
Modern Painting Signed Luigi Brignoli Oil on Canvas 1935

The Birth of Venus, 1935

Code: ARARNO0272405

Price upon request

Modern Painting Signed Luigi Brignoli Oil on Canvas 1935 - The Birth of Venus, 1935


The Birth of Venus, 1935

Artist:  Luigi Brignoli (1881-1952)

Artwork title:  La nascita di Venere

Age:  20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject:  Allegorical/Mythological Subject

Artistic technique:  Painting

Technical specification:  Oil on Canvas

Description : La nascita di Venere

Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lower left on the left lateral canvas. The large composition is made up of three separate canvases, the central one developed vertically (dimensions 220 x 128 cm) and rounded on the upper margin, the two lateral ones developed horizontally and shaped at the corners (dimensions 150 x 328 cm). The central canvas is dominated by the figure of Venus, who emerges naked from the sea foam, with one arm raised to cover her eyes to protect herself from the light of dawn; on the two lateral canvases, a group of tritons, sirens, sea nymphs, sea monsters, led by the god Poseidon, recognizable on the left by the trident he holds, witness the event with amazement and joyful exultation. The figures stand out against the background of sea and sky, fused in a luminous continuum of shades of blue, into which the pink light of dawn insinuates itself, illuminating the scene. Trained at the school of Cesare Tallone, Brignoli learned from him the naturalism deriving from the Venetian tradition, the observation of nature, the decisive brush stroke, the strong contrasts of light. Moreover, after several trips to Africa, begun in 1922, Brignoli approached orientalist painting, but he shunned forms of exotic rhetoric, to instead relive the new subject with a careful research of colors and the effects of light on the landscape. This work, belonging to the artist's already "African" period, is influenced by this imprint, in the bright and clear chromatic choices. Due to its size and the composition of the three canvases, it has a great scenographic impact: coming from a large villa in Brescia, where it was displayed on the imposing staircase, it was probably conceived and created specifically as a custom-made decorative element. The canvases are presented in contemporary gilded frames, missing some parts.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, shows small signs of wear. We try to present the real condition as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 220
Width: 798
Depth: 3

Additional Information

Artist: Luigi Brignoli (1881-1952)

Born in Palosco, near Bergamo, in 1881, to a family of modest means, Luigi Brignoli began studying painting in 1891 at the Accademia Carrara, through the efforts of Cesare Tallone, of whom he was one of the dearest disciples. When Tallone moved to Milan in 1899, Brignoli continued to study until 1901 with Loverini, but urged by the old master, he followed him to Milan, and under his guidance he graduated from the Accademia di Brera. Here he remained for another two years to perfect himself at the school of Tallone, from which he derived a certain joyful passion for the brush, the cult of drawing and form and the veristic taste. He had as fellow students and friends A. Alciati and C. Carrà. In 1903 he came to prominence with a Self-Portrait at the London International Exhibition and in the same year he left Milan for Caravaggio, where he had been invited to make portraits and various works for the most important local families. Here he became friends with the sculptor E. Paricera and developed a passion for sculpture, modeling realistic objects. In 1905 he stayed for about a year in Zurich, as a guest of the Cliaffer couple; in 1906 he successfully presented some of his works at the World Exhibition in Milan, and the following year at the Rome Exhibition; on this occasion one of his paintings was purchased by the Russian ambassador and sent to Moscow. In 1910 he married Elena Romanò, who gave him his only daughter, Elena, in 1912; the family lived in Milan, where the artist had opened a studio. Bruignoli continued to participate in increasingly important exhibitions, such as those in Buenos Aires and Brussels in 1911, the Permanente in Milan in 1916, establishing himself above all as a portraitist. An honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan since 1912, he became definitively famous with the work Belgium 1914, exhibited at the Brera Biennale in 1918 (gold medal from the Ministry of Public Education): the painting, a symbolic representation of the mourning caused by the invasion of German troops, was purchased by the Belgian government and from 1922 to 1930 remained exhibited at the Royal Museum of Brussels; it was later withdrawn due to complaints from the German government. The trip to Africa undertaken in 1922 and lasting about two years was important for Brignoli's theme. In 1925 he made another trip to Spain during which he executed many paintings which, with those of African subjects, were exhibited at the Pesaro Gallery Exhibition in Milan in 1926, with much public and critical success. In 1927 Brignoli was invited to take up the post of painting teacher and director of the school at the Accademia Carrara, succeeding Loverini; but he was soon reproached for numerous absences due to frequent trips abroad and after three years he resigned. He then left for Africa and was a guest in Biskra, Algeria, of the Arab prince Bengana. In 1932 the exhibition of new African works at the first Oriental Exhibition, in Naples, earned him the epithet of "Brignoli the African". During the years of the Second World War he resided at Casazza, near Bergamo; in 1943 he returned to Milan and in 1945 he married Anita Taramelli for the second time, who shared his last happy years with him and accompanied him on trips to Belgium, Holland, Sardinia, and finally Africa. Luigi Brignoli died in Bergamo in 1952. Luigi Brignoli was a singular figure of an artist, enthusiastic about art in all its manifestations: in addition to the figurative arts, he also loved music - both lyrical and popular - and poetry, especially the vernacular poetry of Bergamo. It is impossible to make a complete catalogue of his numerous works; let us only remember, in addition to the landscapes and the "African" works, the numerous portraits of the people dear to him and of the most illustrious figures of the time both in Bergamo and in Milan.

Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject: Allegorical/Mythological Subject

Artistic technique: Painting

La pittura è l'arte che consiste nell'applicare dei pigmenti a un supporto come la carta, la tela, la seta, la ceramica, il legno, il vetro o un muro. Essendo i pigmenti essenzialmente solidi, è necessario utilizzare un legante, che li porti a uno stadio liquido, più fluido o più denso, e un collante, che permetta l'adesione duratura al supporto. Chi dipinge è detto pittore o pittrice. Il risultato è un'immagine che, a seconda delle intenzioni dell'autore, esprime la sua percezione del mondo o una libera associazione di forme o un qualsiasi altro significato, a seconda della sua creatività, del suo gusto estetico e di quello della società di cui fa parte.

Technical specification: Oil on Canvas

The oil painting is a painting technique using powder pigments mixed with bases in inert and oils.

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