In evidence
- AA.VV. [2]
- Arturo Schwarz, Mimmo Paladino [1]
- Convenevole da Prato [1]
- Edmond Merille [1]
- Erasmo da Rotterdam [1]
- George Sand [1]
- Giacomo Leopardi [1]
- Gianni Bertini [1]
- Giuseppe Prezzolini, Giovanni Papini [1]
- Jacob Benignus Winslow [1]
- M. Bertrand De La Gresie, M. Poupart [1]
- Massimo Bontempelli [1]
- Pierre-Jean de Béranger [1]
- Raffaele Carrieri [1]
- Robert Joseph Pothier [3]
- Umberto Saba [1]
- Wang Ying Lin [1]
- s.a. [4]
- August Logerot [1]
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana - Scripta Maneant [1]
- Calmann-Lévy Éditeurs [1]
- Cesare Ratta [1]
- Chez les Marchands de Nouveautés [1]
- Edizioni Cantini Club d'arte [1]
- Edizioni Castelli & Rosati [1]
- Edizioni Galleria la Bertesca [1]
- Edizioni Pulcinoelefante [1]
- Ex Typographia Vincentii Flauti [1]
- Francesco Lumachi editore [1]
- Giorgio Upiglio [1]
- Giulio Einaudi Editore [1]
- La Fattoria [1]
- P. Fr. Didot - Chez Mequignon l'ainé [1]
- Palazzo della Permanente [1]
- Raffaello di Napoli [1]
- Tipografia di Gio. Battista Seguin [1]
- Tommaso Bettinelli [1]
- Typis Ludovici Elzevirii [1]

In this section you will find the most precious titles in our catalogue: ancient books, limited editions, first editions by important authors of poetry and fiction, prestigious monographs on art and graphics, volumes from the 1900s that have made history, best illustrators for children, precious and now unobtainable books
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Ancient definition book
An ancient book is that manuscript which, as the word itself says, was produced manually.
For its realization have not been exploited some machines.
The pages of an ancient book can also be defined as ancient, from the period of its creation (between the 15th and 19th centuries).
Even before the introduction of printing , there was an increase in the demand for books, thanks above all to the use of paper.
The bibliography in ancient and rare books is inserted to provide specific references, as detailed as possible.
Thanks to their use, all individual editions printed at an earlier time could be identified.
What is the bibliography ?
It is a printed catalog , which describes editions of ancient books , in a complete way.
What are rare books?
They are all those types of collectible books that are difficult to find.
Old books are not necessarily rare books , unlike Renaissance books which tend, in any case, to be worth a lot, thanks to their age.
A book can be rare if it is in first editions .
This is because publishers put fewer copies into circulation, in case it doesn't sell.
Books signed by the author are another category defined as "rare", as are all those books that belonged to famous people .
Here's what you can find in Di Mano in Mano's catalog :
- - First editions
- - Art books
- - Encyclopedias
- - Philosophy books
- - Manuals
- - Music books
- - Storytelling
- - Books on politics and society
- - Religion books
- - Books on science
- - Historical books
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