Draghi rossi e querce azzurre - Elenchi descrittivi di abiti di lusso (Firenze 1343-1345)
Elenchi descrittivi di abiti di lusso (Firenze 1343-1345)
Autore: Laurence Gérard-Marchant
Editore: Sismel Edizioni Del Galluzzo
Luogo di stampa: Firenze
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Collana: Memoria scripturarum 6. Testi latini 4
"In 1343 the City of Florence produced a document, the so-called Prammatica delle vesti delle donne fiorentine, which made the sumptuary laws more stringent. Consequently, wealthy women were required to send personal garments that fell within the prohibited types to four municipal commissions charged with making detailed descriptions of each garment for the purposes of inventory. Three of these registries have come down to us and make up the Prammatica, edited here after exhaustive work on a manuscript rendered almost illegible by its various misadventures through the centuries and of which all trace had been lost until recently. Through this document, we now have access to the wardrobes of approximately 2,400 Florentine women (married and single) with over 6,000 dresses carefully described by type, fabric, colour, and design: a fantastical and multi-coloured world opens up before the reader's eyes, a world enriched by hints of faraway places. Further, a long list of women's jewels has been inventoried, along with important examples of male extravagance, also included in the 1343 legislation. The volume includes a number of Introductory Essays (Saggi introduttivi), which place the 1343 regulations within the context of Florentine sumptuary legislation and examine both the inventory methods as well as the archival fortunes of the manuscript. An exhaustive Glossary, with detailed Indices of terms and persons (Indici dei termini e delle persone), makes this extraordinary medieval document available to a variety of research and enquiry."--T.p. verso.
Condizione prodotto:
Esemplare in buone condizioni. Copertina con ingiallimento, tracce di polvere e segni di usura ai bordi e agli angoli. Etichetta adesiva alla quarta di copertina e segni di etichetta adesiva all'occhiello. Pagine ingiallite ai bordi. Testo in Lingua Italiana.
Codice ISBN: 8884505097
Codice EAN: 9788884505095
Pagine: LXXIV,684
Formato: Brossura
Dimensioni (cm):
Altezza: 24
Saggi introduttivi di AA.VV. Con immagini in b/n n.t.
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Disponibilità immediata
Pronto per la consegna in 2 giorni lavorativi dalla conferma dell'ordine del prodotto.