Navigating the New Retail Landscape

A Guide for Business Leaders

Auteur: Alan David Treadgold, Jonathan Reynolds

Code: POLECO1001447

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Navigating the New Retail Landscape

A Guide for Business Leaders

Auteur: Alan David Treadgold, Jonathan Reynolds

Code: POLECO1001447

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Navigating the New Retail Landscape - A Guide for Business Leaders


A Guide for Business Leaders


Éditeur:  Oxford University Press

Lieu d'impression:  Oxford (royaume-UNI)

Année de publication: 

The retail industry globally is in the early stages of an era of profound, perhaps unprecedented, change. This book is intended to serve as a robust and practical guide to leaders of enterprises tasked with both understanding and delivering success in the new landscape of retailing.
The book firstly describes the major directions and drivers of change that define the new global landscape of retailing (Part 1). Accelerating technology change, the rise to prominence globally of internet enabled shoppers and the rapid emergence of entirely new retail enterprises and business models are combining to re-shape the very fundamentals of the retail industry. No longer are shops needed to be in the business of retailing. No longer is choice for the shopper limited to the neighbourhood, town or even country in which they live. No longer is the act of retailing solely the preserve of traditional retail enterprises as internet-enabled businesses, technology, logistics, suppliers and financial services enterprises all seek direct relationships with the shopper.
The new landscape of retailing is an unforgiving one. Success can be achieved more quickly than has ever been possible before but failure is equally rapid. The opportunities in the new landscape of retailing are profound, but so too are the challenges. Part 2 of this book discusses the structures, skills and capabilities retail enterprises will need if they are to be successful in this new landscape and the skills and perspectives that will be required of the leaders of retail enterprises.
Case studies of innovative and successful enterprises are presented throughout the book to illustrate the themes discussed. Frameworks are presented to provide practical guidance for enterprise leaders to understand and contextualise the nature of change that is re-shaping retail landscapes globally. Clear guidance is given of the capabilities, skills and perspectives that will be needed at both an enterprise and a personal leadership level to deliver success in the new landscape of retailing.

État du produit:
Exemplaire en bon état. Texte en anglais. Jaquette avec des traces de poussière et de légères traces d'usure sur les bords. Traces de poussière pour les coupes. Soulignements au crayon à papier et des notes dans la marge, qui se concentre principalement sur les premières et les dernières pages du texte. Texte en anglais. Livre en bon état. Veste avec des taches de poussière et de légères traces d'usage. Bords avec des traces de poussière. Crayon souligne et des notes.

Code ISBN:  0198745753

EAN:  9780198745754

Pages:  263

Format:  Couverture cartonnée avec jaquette

Dimensions (cm):
Hauteur:  24
Largeur:  16


Texte en anglais / texte en anglais.

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