Oriental Carpets

Their Iconology and Iconography from Earliest Times to the 18th Century

Auteur: Volkmar Gantzhorn

Code: LIARAQ0235525

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Oriental Carpets

Their Iconology and Iconography from Earliest Times to the 18th Century

Auteur: Volkmar Gantzhorn

Code: LIARAQ0235525

25,00 € *
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Oriental Carpets - Their Iconology and Iconography from Earliest Times to the 18th Century


Their Iconology and Iconography from Earliest Times to the 18th Century


Éditeur:  Taschen

Lieu d'impression:  Eau de Cologne

Année de publication: 

In this volume, two and a half thousand years are presented and analysed, The author's research has resulted in completely new insights and relationships -- a revision of the history of the oriental carpet. He has been able to trace the pattern back to Phrygian and other traditions, which were carried on by the Armenians up to the beginning of our own century: carpets as symbols of power, as deeply religious abstract textile icons. The oriental carpet is neither of nomadic origin, nor does its origin lie in central Asia; it is a product of ancient oriental civilisations in the Armenian uplands at the crossroads of the oldest trade routes between west, north and south. The author's assertion is supported by the visual material he presents. For the first time coloured illustrations of the most important and most splendid examples of every type of carpet have been included. The illustrations include book illumination, paintings, arts and crafts and details of architecture and clarify developments hitherto unrecognised. This work documents what is probably Armenia's main contribution to world history. It is a must for any connoisseur of carpets and for anyone who does not wish merely to dream of the Orient. Volkmar Gantzhorn has specialised in Christian and Islamic art in recent years. His continuing research is concerned with surface ornamentation in book illumination, architecture, ceramics and arts and crafts in general. --jacket.

État du produit:
Exemplaire en bon état. Jaquette en plastique transparent avec des taches de poussière et une usure minimale des bords et des coins. Pages légèrement jaunies, surtout sur les bords. Coin supérieur droit plié page 99. Texte en anglais. Texte en anglais. Livre en bon état.

Code ISBN:  3822805459

EAN:  9783822805459

Pages:  532

Format:  Couverture rigide avec jaquette

Dimensions (cm):
Hauteur:  32
Largeur:  25


Texte en anglais. Texte en anglais. Avec 709 images en n/b et couleur nt et ft

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